Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Lala Class" hitting the Indian Economy hard.

As in previous article "World Trade Organization….started?” I tried to make an assessment of the scenario after the Second World War to the contemporary situation of World Economy. At the end of the article I wrote about "Lala Class", and who are similar to pest not to any living thing but to Indian Economy and other Asian and African countries. In this article my focus will be solely on this Class but from Indian perspective and Indian Economic situations.

In India "Lala" is common term for the rich and prosperous; this "Lala" term is synonymous to respect and higher class in Hindi; but at the same time it has devilish aspect also which is common and realistic, that is hoarder, black-marketer, poor-exploiter, and selfish.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WTO(World Trade Organisation): How it all started?

World Trade Organization (WTO): How it all started?

World States faced Economical, Political and Social drastic changes and modifications after the World War Second(1945). European domination started fading away from most of the Asian and African countries after their disastrous defeat and consequences in WWII(1945). After 1945 European powers started vacating Asian and African countries and this continued up till 1991, because they themselves were facing huge loses of war which they started; for that matter they changed their scope from Asian and African countries to their own respective countries and to rebuild and re-establish themselves as powers again. During and After Second World War the worst hit was the trade and economy, with huge deficits and losses both in trade and economies of Europe and America the inflation just got insane. With the zero efficiency and immense and gigantic trade barriers among countries of Europe and in particular America, trade reached the point of no-where, thus this led to revise their policies.